Save Money, Save Salmon, Save Mike: Free the Snake
Steve Hawley
The Cleanest Line (Blog by Patagonia)
Snake River is dying, and Hawley is charging four with the crime. The killers
are four dams choking the life out of this vital artery to ecosystems across
the northwest. Hawley is an environmental journalist who himself lives along
the Columbia River in Oregon. He is helping to raise awareness about the
removal of these dams: Ice Harbor, Little Goose, Lower Monumental and Lower Granite Dams. The idea of removing a dam is relatively new to the
American public so to convince his reader that these are very real killers he intros
with a narrative about an Orca named Mike. The reader learns that the number of
little Orcas that Mike babysits has been declining due to a lack of Chinook
salmon, their main food source. The salmon spawn in small tributaries to the
Snake thousands of miles inland. Once they are big enough they travel to the
ocean, and every year they make the journey back upstream to spawn the next
generation. The only problem, the four dams blocking their journey. These dams
are also responsible for turning a once swift flowing river into “a deadly heat
sink.” The water temperature rises beyond what the salmon can survive, and
beyond what the law allows. Hawley then places in pictures of several salmon
that fell victim to this deadly combination. Finally he rams his point home
with a powerful statistic, “80% of the Salmon run are dead or dying.” To
conclude his argument Hawley paints a picture of what the region could look
like with the snake free flowing. He writes, “Doing so would grant unfettered
access to 5,500 miles of heat resistant high-elevation salmon-bearing streams,
the arteries and veins of 4.4 million acres of wilderness habitat in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho.” This issue is one that is ongoing but anyone who reads
this article will be convinced to sign the petition to remove the dams, there
is a link to this conveniently placed at the bottom of the article.