Sunday, February 28, 2016

TOW #19

U.S. Scrambles to Contain Growing ISIS Threat in Libya
Eric Schmitt
The New York Times

            Isis has carve out a swath of territory across northern Iraq and Syria. That is where the heads of the terror organization are and that is where most of its money comes from. Their primary income is from the sale of black market oil. But Isis is not content with just dominating on region. They are expanding their influence across Africa. Groups formerly aligned with Al-Qaeda like Boko Haram are now announcing their partnership with Isis. While most news attention focuses on Syria and Iraq Isis is slowing amassing forces in Libya. They are turning an already lawless nation into an all-out warzone. While they do not have the funding that their counterparts in the Middle East do they are gaining lots of power in the area. Disenfranchised youths from across Africa are streaming into Libya to join the Isis’s ranks. The Islamic State’s growing interest in Libya is clear, “About half a dozen senior Islamic State lieutenants have arrived from Syria in recent months to build up the franchise, these officials say” (15). The world needs to realize that of the 8 Isis affiliated organizations the one building up in Libya is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous.  It is also frightening because it shows that Islamic State is very capable of spreading across Africa. There are many young men on the continent who would be more than happy to pick up a gun and fight for a job and three hot meals. If Isis is allowed to gain a foothold in Libya is wouldn’t be hard for it to spread into neighboring nations. Special Forces from America and other western nations are currently training soldiers from Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and other African nations. I think Colonel Guirane Ndiaye, a Senegalese zone commander said it best, “ISIS is spreading even to here, “If we do not have a multinational effort, ISIS will spread even more.” We are at serious risk of losing more nations to this new “evil empire” and if we don’t stop them now we might never be able to.


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